ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 Certified
Starlight HR Consulting is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 certified by a big 4 cybersecurity and audit firm, E Com Security Solutions, and demonstrates this compliance through the formal registration process. Certification to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standards ensure that Starlight HR Consulting:
- Demonstrate ability to consistently provide services and information security that meet client service levels and applicable statutory & global regulatory requirements.
- Implement controls to safeguard valuable, sensitive and confidential company and client information assets.
- Has established, documented, and maintains an effective management system as a means of ensuring that its services and security conform to specified requirements and to foster an environment of continual improvement.
- Demonstrate Senior Management’s commitment to maintaining information security, high service levels and processing quality to clients.

Global expertise
When it comes to security for your Starlight products and services, you need protection around the clock, and in every time zone. With over 10 years of experience and global reach, our security specialists and intelligence platforms have the bases covered. You’ll benefit from:
- Enterprise information security architecture
- 24/7 global protection
- Advanced threat monitoring
- Multiple, state-of-the-art Critical Incident Response Centers located around the globe
Privacy at Starlight HR Consulting
Starlight HR Consulting clients around the world trust Starlight to handle their sensitive information. Starlight’s Global Data Privacy and Governance team handles:
- The protection and governance of personal information as outlined in Starlight’s Global Privacy Policy and BCRs
- Conducting privacy reviews to ensure appropriate privacy protections are in place
- Evaluating privacy incidents in accordance with data privacy laws
- Implementing enterprise-wide privacy compliance programs

Security Awareness & Training Program Overview
At Starlight HR Consulting, our Security Training and Awareness Program is a continuous, dynamic and robust initiative that is designed to develop and maintain a security-focused culture, empower our associates and contingent workers to make responsible, secure decisions, and protect our most valuable assets. We employ a variety of tools, techniques, and programs to embed security into our associates’ and contingent workers’ day-to-day professional and personal lives.
All associates are required to take and successfully complete an annual, interactive security training program that includes an overview of key security topics, policies, and responsibilities. All contingent workers are required to complete this same training within one week of the start of their contract. Additionally, Starlight security policies are available to both associates and contingent workers on Starlight Information Security intranet (access to intranet may be role dependent). This intranet site provides additional security information to all associates and contingent workers, such as a security newsfeed with tips and best practices, external security resources, emergency response information, security alerts, awareness information, security procedures, and contact information for associates and contractors to ask security-related questions or raise concerns via email or telephone.
Topics that Starlight includes as part of our Security Training and Awareness program include (*topics may rotate depending on timing and specific initiative)
- Clean desk
- Bring-Your-Own Device
- Data Management
- Removable Media
- Safe Internet Habits
- Physical Security
- Social Media
- Scams including phishing, vishing, smishing, spear phishing and whaling
- Malware
- Social Engineering
- Incident Response
- Security Responsibilities